kilativ (kilativ) wrote,

Сколько американцы должны за медицину?

It turns out, incidentally, that America’s health care regime is actually more dystopian than anyone thought. Thanks to a new study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the crippling extent of what untold millions of Americans owe to collections agencies for the crime of getting sick is now coming into view — and the picture looks almost too bleak for words.
In 2018, an investigation of medical debt in the United States pegged the total figure at a whopping $81 billion. The journal’s examination, however, finds that the actual figure is nearly twice that amount, an astonishing $140 billion. In fact, given the limitations of any study of this kind, the figure is probably much higher still, researchers only having access to medical debts held by collections agencies (meaning their findings don’t include debts owed directly to providers).

Только КОЛЛЕКТОРАМ американцы должны 140 миллиардов долларов. Сколько всего - никто не знает, вполне вероятно что у половины стран планеты нет такого годового ВВП. А ведь есть долбодятлы, которые считают что это их не коснется никоим образом и американская систенма лучшая. Ну, или по крайней мере, не нуждается в переменах.
Tags: Америка, медицина

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