John Spritzler · What Caused QAnon & Trump to Gain Traction? The cause was our billionaire ruling class that has utter contempt for the welfare and values of ordinary people and that uses liberal politicians to implement its dictatorship of the rich while using conservative politicians to work jointly with the liberal ones to implement the divide-and-rule that keeps the ruling class in power. Many decades of this have generated a lot of understandable hatred for the liberal establishment. // The more that people hate the liberal establishment, the more likely they are to embrace anyone who expresses that hate, even those who are otherwise repugnant and crazy. This explains much of the support for QAnon and Trump, support, for example, from the many people who voted for Obama in 2008 but then switched to Trump when they saw that Obama treated them as bad as all the others. Sure, some of the support for Trump is just racism, but if Trump with his racism did not pretend to hate the liberal establishment I doubt he'd be sitting in the Oval Office.
Американские либералы - вовсе не левые. Они своей социальной политикой антагонизируют белый рабочий класс. И вовсе не продвигают идеи социального равенства, справедливого распределения заработанного этим самым рабочим классом достояния. Разделяй и властвуй. Я всегда говорил и говорю, что в Америке нет двух партий в политике и даже коалиций в политике. Есть одна партия, которая как многоликий бессмертный Брежнев яростно борется сама с собой
Да, Шан Това, причастных.