kilativ (kilativ) wrote,

Везде скрывают, не только в Китае или Уфе

By Monday, the police in a small New Jersey town had gotten an anonymous tip about a body being stored in a shed outside one of the state’s largest nursing homes.
When the police arrived, the corpse had been removed from the shed, but they discovered 17 bodies piled inside the nursing home in a small morgue intended to hold no more than four people.
“They were just overwhelmed by the amount of people who were expiring,” said Eric C. Danielson, the police chief in Andover, a small township in Sussex County, the state’s northernmost county.
The 17 were among 68 recent deaths linked to the long-term care facility, Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation Center I and II, including two nurses, officials said. Of those who died, 26 people had tested positive for the virus
For the others, the cause of death is unknown.
Of the patients who remain at the homes, housed in two buildings, 76 have tested positive for the virus; 41 staff members, including an administrator, are sick with Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, according to county health records shared on Wednesday with a federal official.

Аноним настучал на дом престарелых в Нью Джерси, а там в подсобке хранилось 17 тел умерших пациентов. Вообще там умерло 68 людей, из которых у 26 подтвердили Ковид. Отчего умерли остальные - просто неизвестно (подозреваю, что не тестировали). Начальство скрывало. Так что, мелкое начальство чего угодно в любой стране старается скрывать проблемы, рассчитывая, что авось само рассосется и проблема благорастворится на воздусях.

А вообще у меня есть подозрение, что этот дом престарелых был просто душегубкой для стариков и способом отъема денег ц государства, ибо вот:
One of the owners of the facility, Chaim Scheinbaum, did not return calls or emails. Staff members who answered phones at the facilities said they were not authorized to speak to the news media.
Even before the pandemic, the nursing home had struggled. Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation II recently got a one-star rating of “much below average” from Medicare for staffing levels, inspections and patient care.

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Tags: Америка, жулики и воры, эпидемия

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