kilativ (kilativ) wrote,

Метро на грани коллапса

At least 41 transit workers have died, and more than 6,000 more have fallen sick or self-quarantined. Crew shortages have caused over 800 subway delays and forced 40 percent of train trips to be canceled in a single day. On one line the average wait time, usually a few minutes, ballooned to as high as 40 minutes.
The transit agency was late to distribute disinfectant to clean shared work spaces, struggled to keep track of sick workers and failed to inform their colleagues about possible exposure to the virus, according to interviews with two dozen transit workers.
As the virus spread, many workers became so concerned that they took measures into their own hands: They cordoned off seats with duct tape to distance drivers from riders and used their own masks and homemade disinfectant at work, only to be reprimanded by supervisors.
“The M.T.A. has taken aggressive action to protect the health and safety of our heroic work force on the front lines of this crisis,” Mr. Foye said.
Still, around 1,500 transit workers have tested positive for the coronavirus, and 5,604 others have self-quarantined because they are showing symptoms of the infection. Absenteeism is up fourfold since the pandemic began, officials say.
The authority is disinfecting train cars and buses every three days and has urged riders to wait for empty trains to mitigate the overcrowding problems caused by reduced service.


Уже 41 работник транспортной системы умер от коронавируса (ну тот, который обычный грипп) с начала эпидемии в городе, то есть за последние две-три недели. 6 тысяч или болеют или в карантине, поскольку контактировали с больными коллегами и членами семей. И это несмотря на снижение числа рейсов на 25%. На настоящий момент дезинфекция автобусов и поездов метро проводится раз в ТРИ дня. Как мертвому припарка.
Tags: subway, Нью Йорк, эпидемия

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