Trump has called chloroquine, and the closely-related hydroxychloroquine, potential game changers in the fight against Covid-19.
"HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine," he tweeted Saturday.
Some early research suggests the drug could be useful against the virus. However, Trump's comments have prompted health officials to warn that further study is needed.
In Nigeria, health officials issued a warning about chloroquine, saying three people in the country have overdosed on the drug after Trump endorsed it as a potential treatment.
После того как Трамп публично заявил, что хлороквин помогает при Ковиде, несколько человек траванулось, включая смертельный случай в Аризоне. Где они достали антималярийное лекарство в этой жопе мира??? Там же болот нет, пустыня! Ну и Трамп хорош - скоро