Dover Air Force Base is the first stop for all of America 's war dead on their final trip back home. But behind the dignified ceremony there's a growing scandal over the fact that many partial remains of US service members were unceremoniously dumped in this Virginia landfill, and it's a far greater number than previously disclosed. Over four years, the Air Force dumped more than 2700 cremated partial remains in the landfill. Nearly 1,000 of those remains had been identified through DNA , belonging to 274 US military killed in the wars.
And in one case, the mutilated arm was sawed off a deceased Marine so his uniform would fit for burial. All this follows the startling revelations that Army personnel at Arlington National Cemetery had buried some veterans in the wrong graves or lost their remains altogether.
Сотни останков погибших ветеранов войн были выброшены на свалку около военной базы Довер. А на Арлингтонском кладбище останки некоторых ветеранов захоронены в неправильных местах или вообще УТЕРЯНЫ. При этом сама концепция Арлингтонского кладбища - это то, чему стоит учиться у американцев.