kilativ (kilativ) wrote,

Еще из интересного в американской избирательной системе

Marsha Appling-Nunez was showing the college students she teaches how to check online if they're registered to vote when she made a troubling discovery. Despite being an active Georgia voter who had cast ballots in recent elections, she was no longer registered.
"I was kind of shocked," said Appling-Nunez, who moved from one Atlanta suburb to another in May and believed she had successfully changed her address on the voter rolls.
"I've always voted. I try to not miss any elections, including local ones," Appling-Nunez said.
She tried re-registering, but with about one month left before a November election that will decide a governor's race and some competitive U.S. House races, Appling-Nunez's application is one of over 53,000 sitting on hold with Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp's office. And unlike Appling-Nunez, many people on that list — which is predominantly black, according to an analysis by The Associated Press — may not even know their voter registration has been held up.
Tuesday was Georgia's deadline to register and be eligible to vote in the November General Election.
Kemp, who's also the Republican candidate for governor, is in charge of elections and voter registration in Georgia.

В Джоржджии поменялись правила регистрации граждан на выборы и 53 000 человек лишились права голоса, причем большинство даже не были уведомлены об этом. Восстановить их право, даже при соблюдении всех условий - проблематично. Решает вопрос с участием голосования граждан ГосСекретарь штата Джорджия республиканец Брайан Кемп. По совершенно случайному совпадению Брайан Кемп - кандидат от республиканской партии на должность губернатора штата Джорджия, а лишенные права голоса граждане проживают в преимущественно цветных районах штата, в котором доля чернокожего населения выше общенационального (рабовладельческий штат), а соперник от демпартии - чернокожая женщина. Все совпадения - ну совершенно случайны!
Tags: Америка, жулики и воры, политика

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