"In our lives, we don't have drugs," said Alzamel, who was hired within three months after arriving in Pennsylvania. "We don't even know what they look like or how to use them."
But for an increasing number of American-born workers, passing drug tests is a big problem.
The percentage of American workers testing positive for illegal drugs has climbed steadily over the last three years to its highest level in a decade, according to Quest Diagnostics, which performed more than 10 million employment drug screenings last year. The increase has been fueled in part by rural America's heroin epidemic and the legalization of recreational marijuana in states like Colorado.
With roughly half of US employers screening for drugs, failed tests have real consequences for the economy.
More than 9% of employees tested positive for one or more drugs in oral fluid screenings in 2015, the most recent year for which data was available. And the problem is even worse at places like Sterling Technologies.
Полагаю, что текст достаточно тенденциозный, но он подчеркивает реальную проблему - рабочее население США, избиратели Трампа и Бёрни, потребляют наркоту в огромных количествах, тогда как понаехи - нет, поскольку приезжают преимущественно из стран, где такое удовольствие им не по карману или нет традиции, или там за это просто голову отрубают. Соответственно, американские бизнесмены нанимают на работу не местных наркоманов, число которых измеряется миллионами, а вот таких приезжих Педро и Махмудов. Бизнес, ничего личного.