Yasmin Seweid, 18, was charged with filing a false report after she told authorities three men called her a terrorist and chanted "Donald Trump" at her aboard the 23rd Street 4/5/6 subway station on Dec. 1.
The Baruch College student allegedly told police that she was approached by the trio and told to "get out of this country," was called a terrorist aboard the train and told to "get the f****** hijab off your head!" She also alleged that one of the men grabbed her bag and broke the strap.
Мусульманскую студентку, которую атаковали в поезде метро сторонники Трампа, арестовали. Но, как это обычно у либерастов бывает - за ложный донос. Наврала. Только в России удальцовых долго терпят, а тут рас - и по щщам.