Weeks after CNN reported Christie was dismissed as head of Donald Trump's transition team, New Jersey voters handed him the lowest approval rating for any governor in more than 20 years among states surveyed by the Quinnipiac University Poll, referring to the finding that 77 percent disapprove of his job performance and only 19 percent approve.
"The Gov's job approval numbers get worse every time anyone looks," Assistant Poll Director Maurice Carrol said Tuesday. "This could be a long final year for Gov. Christie."
Only 3% of those voters gave Christie an 'A' for his job as governor, while 58% awarded him a D or an F, according to Quinnipiac.
У него не просто плохой уровень поддержки, а вообще худший среди ВСЕХ губернаторов Америки за последние ДВАДЦАТЬ лет. Перспективы на переизбрание у него ничтожные. Вероятно, будет как с Олландом "я устал, я ухожу, что б не вредить своей партии". Впрочем, Кристи амбициозен, допускаю, что он может пойти на выборы, что б эпично обосраться.