Hillary Clinton called on the FBI director to immediately make publicly available the FBI’s evidence of ties between Russia and Donald Trump. By saying so, she meant that the FBI leadership has this evidence, but doesn’t want to present it to the American electorate.
For a moment, let’s believe Hillary Clinton and the Democratic senators who are hinting that Putin has a whole network of agents in the American business community and security agencies. Look what a lovely agent Russian intelligence has won over in the FBI director!
James Comey is a Republican, the former deputy attorney general of the United States, and the vice president of Lockheed Martin, a corporation that deals in developing top-secret weapons for the Pentagon. Comey is also a member of the board of directors of NSBC Bank and the director of the FBI personally appointed by Barack Obama. If Russian intelligence really managed to recruit such an American official, then the US has much more serious problems than interference in election campaigns.
Если Путин сумел завербовать директора ФБР, что бы тот по приказу Путина влиял на результаты выборов США, а так же завербовал значительную часть бизнес-элиты страны, то у США проблемы гораздо более серьезные, чем вмешательство России в выборы в США.