kilativ (kilativ) wrote,

Немного про зарплаты

Тут набежала куча народа, которая считает, что в США 2500 чистыми на руки получают только неудачники иподавляющее меньшинство народа. Типа, любой посудомой зарабатывает больше.
Опровергнуть это можно только цифрами, да?
Ну читаем сами (в году 52 недели, в неделе 40 часовб 2080 рабочих часов в год), принимая во внимание, что зарплата ДО налогов:
Median Hourly Rate: $15
"Administrative assistants are employed in a very wide range of fields and provides various types administrative assistance to employees." - Это секретать, годовая медианная зарплата 31 200

Median Hourly Rate: $11
"Certified nurse assistants (CNAs) provide care to patients, often in facilities such as nursing homes." Социальный работник, 22 880 в год

Median Hourly Rate: $18
"Licensed practical nurses (LPN) are responsible for using their extensive training in a wide range of nursing tasks and patient-care objectives." Обычная медсестра, 37 440 в год.

Median Hourly Rate: $14
"Most of the time, medical assistants work in doctors’ offices, hospitals, or medical clinics." Делопроизводитель в медицинском офисе, 29 120 в год.

Median Salary: $43,485
"Aspiring office managers should have excellent communication, problem-solving, and managerial skills, as they are responsible for all activities, projects, and employees of their offices. It is essential that office managers work well in fast-paced environments, as they must oversee several ongoing projects at once." Менеджер в офисе, в год 43 485

Median Salary: $60,572
"Operations managers oversee their organization’s production of goods and/or services." Индустриальный менеджер (начальник цеха) - 60 572 в год

Median Hourly Rate: $27
"Most of the time, registered nurses (RN) work for hospitals or medical clinics." - Госпитальная медсестра - 56 160 долларов в год

Median Salary: $79,357
"In the world of software design and development, a software engineer plays a key role." Программист. В среднем 79 357 в год.


И специально про няней, причем речь идет о легальных нянях, которые платят налоги итд и для которых это ОСНОВНАЯ работа с рекомендациями, опытом работы итп.
Most Nannies in the United States are women. The median pay for people in this role is approximately $13.36 per hour. While the specific employer and experience level impact pay for this group, location is the most influential factor. The majority of Nannies claim high levels of job satisfaction. Medical and dental benefits are awarded to less than one-tenth, and less than two percent earn vision coverage. - 27 789 долларов в год. Никаких бенефитов. Мексиканские и прочие полулегальные няни зарабатывают редко более 20 000 в год.

Ну и наконец про науку:
A Molecular Biologist earns an average salary of $56,196 per year. Experience strongly influences income for this job. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience.
Учтите, это с учетом индустрии.

Забыл посудомоя:
Median pay for Dishwashers in the United States is around $8.77 per hour. The income range spans the entire spectrum between $7.41 per hour and $10.48. The most influential factor affecting pay for this group is residence, though the specific employer and tenure have a (lesser) impact as well. Men make up the vast majority of Dishwashers (85 percent) who took the survey. Most workers in this role are not happy with their job, claiming low levels of job satisfaction. Slightly less than a fourth enjoy medical while nearly one-seventh get dental coverage. Vision coverage is also available to nearly one-eighth. The data in this summary comes from the PayScale salary survey.
18 241 в год

И таксистов
The average salary for a Taxi Driver is $24,820 per year. Pay for this job does not change much between less experienced and more experienced workers. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience. -24 820 в год
Как там насчет "таксист легко делает 2500 долларов в месяц чистыми"? Не легко. Практически - никак.

И кассир
Cashiers in the United States take home approximately $8.69 per hour on average. Pay generally varies between $7.38 per hour and $11.16. The specific employer is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by experience level and geography. Nearly one in four enjoy medical while one in five get dental coverage. Vision coverage is also available to close to one-sixth. For the most part, people in this position report moderate levels of job satisfaction. Most Cashiers survey respondents are women (75 percent). This snapshot results from replies to PayScale's salary survey.
18 075 долларов в год.
Tags: Америка, экономика

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